Federalisms "Takes This Show On The Road"!

I have freshly returned from Phoenix, where Federalisms was so fortunate to have a booth in the Exhibit Hall at the Women in Federal Law Enforcement (WIFLE) 22nd Annual Leadership Training. This was my first event outside of the National Capital Region, and I loved pushing myself out of my comfort zone and figuring out logistics to get all my equipment - including a greeting card spinner - to Phoenix.

Table with Federalisms tablecloth, covered in Federalisms gift items. Greeting card spinner stands next to the table, filled with cards.

I did it! And even upped my game with a 48-card spinner and some poles to string card decorations on, above the table, which will improve my display at future events. Now, here’s to hoping it all makes it back from Phoenix.

There were definite highs, including the people who jumped in front of my booth and said “THIS IS THE MOST FUN THING HERE!!!” (fact) and a few people who recognized me from other events or whose friends had sent them links. I still am surprised when people have heard of Federalisms, but of course I love it. Everyone who says “I love every single thing here, it all speaks to me!” is why I do this.

Another high was getting to meet my new cousin, Noah, who is five months old and lives (…with his parents) in Phoenix. He and his parents were a big draw to get me to this event.

One low from the event was that a few things were stolen overnight, the second night. I had not locked everything down because I had not had a problem in the past, but live and learn. Someone who had access to the area who wasn’t an attendee may have thought that everything was a giveaway (like other tables with pens and stress balls). Less stuff to ship back, I guess :)

The show inspired me (before) to get a few new products ready, and (after) to reach out to federal agency museums and gift shops, to see if I can interest them in a retail display. I love talking to people and getting new ideas and just talking federal stuff.

Do you have an event you think would be perfect for Federalisms to attend? Let me know!